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Get Involved


We welcome financial contributions which directly impact the quality of education we can provide to our students. Funds are used for building new schools, infrastructural enhancements, purchase of educational resources, teacher training programs, and much more.

You can also donate in kind, with school supplies such as books, stationary, teaching aids, and even digital devices like tablets that support our blended learning approach.

Volunteer Opportunities

Come and join our mission! We are constantly in need of passionate individuals who can contribute their time and skills to our cause.

Whether it's talking to our students and teachers, assisting in teaching, administrative work, organising co-curricular activities, helping with maintenance work, every hand is valuable.

Fundraising Events or Campaigns

Join us in our fundraising events or campaigns! These initiatives not only raise funds for our projects, but they also spread awareness about our mission. Participate, contribute, or help us organize these events - every effort makes a difference.

Partnerships and Collaborations

We invite organizations, businesses, and institutions to partner with us in our mission. Collaborations can take various forms, from sponsoring a school building, providing resources, training teachers, to even setting up scholarship programs. Let's work together to make education accessible for all.


Get involved
Areas of Interest (check all that apply)